How the pill actually works: suppressing a natural function

Doctors are often prescribing the pill for reasons completely unrelated to managing fertility. Pill manufacturers claim it can clear up undesired acne, make your period “regular,” reduce PMS symptoms and eliminate painful cramps. But the pill doesn’t treat the underlying causes of these symptoms; it simply masks them.

The truth is, the pill works by disrupting the delicate balance of your endocrine system. It is designed to prevent ovulation, and it does this by shutting down the normal function of your ovaries. The pill floods your body with an unnatural amount of synthetic estrogen and progestin which causes the ovaries to stop releasing eggs. These synthetic steroids are not the same substances as the estrogen and progesterone that your body creates on its own. There are two other functions of the pill: it artificially thins the lining of your uterus (the endometrium), which is designed to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, and also changes the consistency of the mucus at your cervix, which is intended to prevent sperm from entering the fallopian tubes.

The pill essentially introduces toxins in your body. It is well documented that the pill is a known carcinogen. As in, it is in the same class as other awful chemicals like tobacco, asbestos, plutonium, and diesel exhaust, and is classified as a group 1 carcinogen according to the World Health Organization. Translation: birth control pills are “a known cancer-causing agent to humans.”

Many women mistakenly believe that the bleeding they experience while on the pill is just like regular menstruation. However, that bleeding is actually withdrawl bleeding. It is not a true menses. If it were then the pill wouldn’t be working because true menstruation is triggered by a drop in progesterone levels and its purpose is to shed a thickened lining of the uterus that is not needed if no egg implants. Women on the pill no longer create their own natural progesterone and hormone levels do not ebb and flow naturally; instead the pill overrides this by delivering one steady stream of synthetic steroids also called “artificial hormones.” Since the pill thins your endometrium in order to prevent implantation, the withdrawl bleeding during the placebo week will therefore be shorter and lighter than a true period.

One of my favorite quotes from Dr Janet Smith is “fertility is not a disease”. So why are women being told to shut down a healthy, natural, bodily function? And why are women being told this can happen with absolutely no consequences to overall health? The reproductive system does not operate in a vacuum; ingesting the powerful synthetic hormones to shut it down affects your entire body as a whole.

In contrast, natural methods of fertility management such as NFP are completely non-invasive and work with your body instead of harshly altering it or forcing it to function as it was not intended.

I invite you to learn more about natural family planning here:

What Is NFP?

Does NFP work?