Purposely Pregnant: The Shortcut to Getting Pregnant Naturally Program

~ Private Instruction Package ~

What You Get:

    • (1) private 90-minute session to get you started with fertility charting, plus
    • (1) private 60-minute follow up session to review your fertility charting progress
    • (2) private 60-minute sessions, plus
    • (2) 30-minute Q&A sessions to maximize your progress
    • You choose the format: in person (for those in the greater Seattle area) or online via the web 

How it works:

1st meeting (90 mins): We discuss your menstrual health history and get you set up with an introduction to or review of basal body temperature charting, customized based on your level of familiarity. We will be using your BBT charts throughout the duration of our time together to discuss what’s going on with your cycles so if charting is new to you we need to get you started capturing that info. Other topics we will touch on: the three signs of fertility, recognizing your BBT pattern, including your partner on the journey, and a brief intro to cervical mucus. At the conclusion of this meeting we will schedule your Q&A session.

30ish days after our initial meeting we touch base during a 60-minute Q&A. I want to make sure you are in the habit of charting, answer any questions that have come up after you’ve had some time to get started, work through any challenges you might be facing, and discuss what to expect going forward. We then get your 2nd and 3rd meetings on the calendar.

2nd meeting (60 mins): Now for the fun: it’s time for chart interpretation! We will decode your individual fertility signs together and I will show you how your body changes throughout your cycle. We will identify your fertile window, focus on cervical mucus and talk about when to take a pregnancy test. Other topics: what to expect when coming off hormonal birth control (if applicable), introduction to cervix observations, and pregnancy prep basics including healthy nutrition tips for maximum fertility.

3rd meeting (60 mins): Chart interpretation 2.0! We will also have a discussion about your fertile window including more tips for getting pregnant fast, work on understanding your personal mucus patterns, discuss an overview of healthy nutrition and ways to change nutrition habits if necessary, and finally review your questions or concerns.

Final 30-min Q&A: As we wrap up I want to make sure you have the resources you need to feel confident with fertility charting and have a solid understanding of the three observable signs of your fertility. We can cover what to do next once you’re pregnant and point you in the right direction going forward. Then it will be time to celebrate your transformation! You will have learned a lot about how your body works and best of all, you can use the Shortcut Program information for the rest of your (fertile) life!

What else does the Purposely Pregnant Shortcut Package include?

  • ongoing email + text support to address your individual concerns or questions during the Program
  • my Fertility Basics Guide is yours to keep
  • pregnancy prep resources to get your health optimized for baby
  • pregnancy nutrition summary guide

Investment: $397 USD one-time payment upfront or (2) payments of $199 ea

Consider this: what does it cost you not to get the help you need?

  • Infertility treatments are super expensive & might be totally unnecessary
  • The emotional toll…having to stare at yet another negative pregnancy test, the disappointment of having to still keep trying
  • Time and energy you will end up wasting on other ineffective methods rather than relying on proven science
  • Unnecessary worry – wondering if something is “wrong with you,” confusion about what’s going on with your body, information overwhelm from endlessly searching the internet for help


I invite you to find out if the Purposely Pregnant Shortcut Program is right for you by scheduling a complimentary phone call to chat with me! If we both agree this program is your next step I can’t wait to work with you on your journey toward a healthy pregnancy.

To your health,
