Achieving Pregnancy

Once you decide you’re ready for a new addition to your family you probably don’t want to wait very long before seeing a positive pregnancy test result.

Some women find that getting pregnant “just happens” easily – you know those friends who say “oh we weren’t even trying!” – while for others it may take longer than they had hoped. If things aren’t happening as fast as you’d like, hang in there. It can be so overwhelming and it’s easy to get lost in information overload when searching the internet for guidance. If you’re feeling like “why is everyone I know getting pregnant except for me?!” read on, friend. Help is on the way.

Getting pregnant is all about timing.

If we could wave a magic wand and know with complete certainty the exact time of your ovulation it’d be a cake walk. We do know in general terms when ovulation usually happens for most women, but in reality the timing can vary from woman to woman and even from cycle to cycle for the same woman. So what’s a girl to do?

The good news is, thanks to the “magic” of modern science (read: decades of dedication and hard work by some brilliant researchers) there is a reliable way to see and confirm that ovulation has already happened. And you can learn to observe some specific ways your body changes when ovulation is approaching. So with this information we can watch for a pattern unique to you and your cycles, which allows us to identify your most fertile days within a given cycle. And that gives you the best odds of conception. Yay science – baby-making high five!

Here are a few tips to get you started, that you can do right away (and I mean TODAY!):

  1. take your temperature right when you wake up, every day. (Yes, every. day. Even weekends.) Important: use a basal body thermometer for this. More accurate reading = more reliable data for you = one step closer to new baby. (for tips on temperature taking such as what time, what thermometer, see this post)
  2. get an app to keep track of your daily temps (for apps I recommend for android or iPhone check out my post: “Yep, there’s an app for that”)
  3. learn how to interpret your temperature chart  (PS: I’m happy to help with that! see the work with me page)
  4. learn how your body changes before you ovulate so you know what to watch for (more on that here)
  5. write this down: track your observations in your app, every day
  6. check out my handy guide to help you identify your fertile window, aka your most fertile days – it’s called “A Guide to Identifying Your Fertile Window
  7. when you’re most fertile, get busy baby-making!

In the meantime, focus on healthy eating and drink lots of water. You want to get your body in optimum shape for the process of creating a brand new life in there – it’s hard work.

To learn more about how to work with me, check out this page.

>>Find out how the science of NFP can work for you. Schedule your completely free 30-minute Natural Fertility Discovery Session and let’s chat!<<