Avoiding Pregnancy

Did you know that it is possible

to intentionally avoid getting pregnant

without using contraceptives?

Completely naturally. 


The key is understanding how your body works and understanding what is really going on internally during your menstrual cycle.

Did you know that women are only fertile for a FEW days every month? Meaning, you will not get pregnant the rest of every month.

If that sounds like the opposite of whatever you and I learned in junior high school health class you’re not alone. Most women are surprised to (finally!) learn how our menstrual cycles actually work and that you cannot get pregnant every day.

It was totally eye-opening for me when I learned this information in my 20s and that’s why I want you to hear it too. Right here, right now.


–For a quick lesson about the basics of how your menstrual cycle really works, go here


Your reasons for wanting to avoid pregnancy are personal. Maybe it’s to focus on your career, to finish a major life goal like education, or perhaps it’s simply because you don’t feel ready to take on the responsibility of raising a(nother) child right now.

The key takeaway is this:

It is entirely possible to rely on proven science and biology to avoid pregnancy instead of relying on chemicals that alter your hormones. It works! For real.


Myths vs Facts

But… isn’t going “natural” super risky?

Truth: When properly practiced, NFP is 99% effective. Learn more about that in this article.


But…I’ve been taking hormonal birth control because my cycles are irregular.

Truth: Hormonal birth control doesn’t actually regulate your cycles – it shuts down your natural hormones and effectively turns off your reproductive system. The bleeding induced every 4 weeks on the pill is not a true menstrual period, it is withdrawl bleeding. Check out this post to read more about how the pill actually works.


But…my doctor says I have to take hormonal birth control for <____> condition

Truth: …how’s that working out for you? So many women are fed up with the irritating side effects of birth control but aren’t even aware that there are natural options that truly work instead. If you’re ready to get off of hormonal birth control drugs NFP is a fantastic option – stick around and learn more. Hint: it may not be as hard as you think!



How to get started:

If Natural Family Planning is new to you, I invite you to come up to speed about the modern methods of natural fertility management. You just might be amazed at what you find. These articles may be of interest to you:

What Is NFP?

Does NFP work?


In the meantime, here are the steps I recommend:

  1. Get educated about the basics of fertility (check out my post about that here)
  2. Stop using hormonal birth control right away – find out how to confidently come off the pill, for good
  3. Start charting your cycles today – read a few of my tips on basal body temperature charting
  4. Learn how to interpret your charts (PS: I’m happy to help with that! see this page)
  5. Identify your fertile window
  6. Avoid sex during the fertile time
  7. Repeat next cycle!


>>Find out how the science of NFP can work for you. Schedule your completely free 30-minute Natural Fertility Discovery Session and let’s chat!<<