
Getting started taking your temperature every day can seem daunting at first. I created a free guide to help you out, available right here. I’ve also listed a few hints below that may help as you’re getting started on your cycle charting journey. The big picture is this: you’re looking […]

Tips on Taking Your Basal Body Temperature

In this article I’ll outline the basics of what’s going on in your body each month. Knowing this will help you better avoid pregnancy because understanding your cycle will allow you to make intelligent decisions based on actual facts and data – not guesswork or approximations. There are a few […]

How Your Menstrual Cycle Actually Works: the basics

Ovulation, the process in which a follicle in your ovary releases an egg, occurs at *approximately* the midpoint of your cycle. The exact timing of egg release can vary, sometimes by several days or more; however, there’s a predictable way to know when ovulation is approaching. And you can reliably […]

How your body changes before you ovulate

Good news: You gals learning NFP now have so many advantages compared to when I learned 15+ years ago, hooray! True story: when we first signed ourselves up for the practice of daily temp taking we were handed a paper chart booklet. My adorably nerdy, technology-loving gadget-guy husband just about […]

Yep, there’s an app for that

When I first heard about NFP and started seriously considering choosing NFP as a method to avoid pregnancy I remember feeling very alone. It was as though everyone around me in my regular daily life whom I talked to looked at me speechless like I was completely nuts for not […]

You Are Not Alone

Wondering how the 99.6% effectiveness data for the sympto-thermal method of NFP was derived? Here are a few research studies for your reading pleasure, spanning across 4 decades:   Natural Family Planning Method As Effective As Contraceptive Pill The article: European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology. “Natural Family Planning […]

Effectiveness Research on the Sympto-Thermal Method

I’ve been trying to do things outside my comfort zone lately. My motivation is partly for personal development, partly a desire to push myself but underlying is a gnawing belief that NFP just needs to get out there to the rest of the world. For many women even the concept […]

Stepping outside the comfort zone: Do YOU have the guts?