Boost Your Fertility

Identify when you’re ovulating to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally

You’ve spent so many years doing everything necessary to avoid pregnancy and you thought it would just easily happen when it was finally the right time to try.

But it hasn’t happened yet…and now you’re concerned that you might never get pregnant. You’re starting to wonder if there’s something “wrong” with your body, or if you or your partner should go get tested.

You’re also starting to feel like trying for a baby has become a chore and it’s just not fun anymore. It’s stressing you and your partner out and getting in the mood is becoming harder and harder.

You’ve been scouring the internet for a solution to get pregnant naturally. You’ve read everything: all the posts about supplements, herbal teas, sex positions and it’s confusing and overwhelming. You’re done wasting your precious spare time searching through internet forums filled with endless getting pregnant “advice” and how-to tips that sound suspiciously like sales ads.

Not to mention the shocking costs of fertility treatments: um, how many zeros?! Even the cheaper gadgets and ovulation predictor kits are pricey. You just want to know the answer: how can you get pregnant naturally? And you want to rely on something that will actually work.

What if there’s a method that can improve your chances of conceiving, completely naturally?

Imagine you’ve finally found the answer and know exactly when to try for pregnancy.

You understand how your cycle works; you easily recognize the signals from your body when ovulation is coming.

You’re taking full advantage of modern fertility science and making it work for you. You’re able to observe in real time where you are in each cycle. You know when you’re fertile – and when you’re not – and you use that knowledge to maximize your chances of conceiving naturally.

You and your partner are back to having fun “trying” again. You feel more connected to your partner. You feel supported and encouraged – you’re both doing this together, as a team.

You’re familiar with fertility-boosting habits and regularly do them at home on your own. It feels easier now that you know what to do. You feel less stress and are more optimistic about the future life events in store for you.

You feel lighter and more satisfied now that you have a plan. You’re able to stay focused at work and at home and keep your mind centered on positives. And best of all your spare time is spent nourishing your body with fertility-friendly foods and uplifting yoga sessions that relieve tension from your week. You look forward to date nights with your partner and enjoy hanging out with your friends again.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You’ve searched a million internet forums, watched the cheesy YouTube videos and read endless social media posts promising magic “baby dust” but you still feel like you’re missing something: how to get pregnant naturally.
  • You’ve been trying for months (it feels like forever!) and every time your period is a little bit late you start getting hopeful that this time will be it. You want to get off the emotional roller coaster.
  • You’re dreading the thought of finding a fertility clinic and don’t even WANT to know where to start.
  • You’ve heard how expensive IUI and IVF treatments are and can’t imagine how you’d even afford to pay for one, let alone several rounds.

If it’s taking longer than you expected to get pregnant, I can help you give your fertility a natural boost. I’m a fertility coach for women who are having trouble conceiving. I teach them how to increase their chances of conceiving naturally without costly alternatives.

You can learn how to tell when you’re ovulating using modern fertility science that actually works, so you can stop wasting your time and energy and make the most of your chances – without any expensive devices.

You and your partner can get back to having fun baby-making instead of feeling like it’s a chore. And you’ll sleep well at night knowing you’re doing everything you can to prep your body for a healthy pregnancy.

As a result of this program, you’ll…

  • Know the exact right time to try, each and every cycle, so that you can stop searching the ENTIRE internet for an answer
  • Figure out when you’re ovulating without buying ANY expensive apps, devices or test strips so that you can avoid wasting money.
  • Try a proven method that works naturally based on decades of fertility research, so you can tip the odds in your favor.

The Boost Your Fertility package includes:

Fertility Goals

You’ll answer a short questionnaire before we meet to describe your fertility goals and your past experience with fertility charting, if any. With this info we’ll customize the content in your 90 minute Fertility Booster Session to make sure it contains the most relevant topics and pregnancy tips for your personal situation.

Fertility Booster Session

In your 90-minute video session we’ll cover natural fertility basics and get familiar with exactly how you can figure out the right timing for pregnancy at home – no expensive devices or doctor appointments needed. By the end of our session you’ll feel confident about your own ability to pinpoint when ovulation is approaching so you can maximize your chances of conceiving. You’ll leave with homework for the next 30 days, to bring back and discuss together.

Fertility Planning

30 days later we’ll meet for a follow-up video session. We’ll review your completed fertility chart together and highlight the optimal time to try conceiving. You’ll leave with the tools to boost your chances of getting pregnant when the time is right for you. And you’ll be on your way with a plan to nourish your body for maximum fertility.

Support Materials

You’ll receive a downloadable copy of the Fertility Booster Guide. It’s filled with my top tips for conceiving naturally plus step-by-step instructions for fertility charting, including exactly what tools I recommend (and which ones I use myself!)  It also includes nutrition tips to make sure you’re emphasizing the key nutrients your body needs to support a healthy pregnancy.

You can give yourself the best chance possible to conceive naturally.

And I can help you do just that.

Investment: $147 USD

Are you ready to get started? Excellent! Here’s how:

Step 1. Make your secure payment using PayPal here.

Step 2. Within 24 hours of making your payment, you’ll receive an email from me with your Fertility Goals Questionnaire and instructions for booking your session.

Step 3. Then we’ll hold your Fertility Booster Session and get you started on achieving your fertility goals naturally. At the end of our session we’ll schedule your Fertility Planning follow-up to maximize your odds.

Have questions? Email me: