Confidently Charting Your Fertility

Do any of these sound familiar?

You’ve been on and off hormonal birth control and are sick and tired of the nasty side effects and how it makes you feel every day. You want to get off the hormonal roller coaster and get rid of constant up and down mood swings.

You want to avoid pregnancy right now but it seems like there’s no other choice for birth control that you can really, truly rely on.

Your doctor prescribed you birth control for other health reasons (like acne or painful periods or PCOS), so you’ve just been taking it even though you have some doubts that it’s really necessary.

You may have heard about some risks and side effects associated with hormonal birth control but you’re not sure what’s really true, so you figure, why not just play it “safe”?

You wish there was a way to avoid all the pills / devices / prescriptions and just get your regular self back –

without risking pregnancy in the process.

Good news, my friend – there is a way.

I remember feeling terrified to trust a natural birth control method. At the time I was considering NFP instead of taking the pill I was newly engaged, completely career-focused and wanted nothing to do with babies. But after doing tons of my own research to find out how these claims that NFP is 99% effective could be real, and then taking classes to learn the natural family planning method specifics, my now-husband and I decided to try it rather than messing up my hormones for the next decade with the pill. That decision point was 16 years ago.

We successfully avoided pregnancy for 5 years, relying solely on the natural family planning method.

And then, once we were both ready to start a family, we used NFP intentionally to get pregnant – three different times. Three kids later I am so grateful and blessed and now I want to show other women like you how natural family planning absolutely can work and reliably help you reach your fertility goals. I can say from personal experience that it works when you’re trying to get pregnant AND also when you’re trying to avoid pregnancy.

Introducing the…

Confidently Charting Your Fertility Program

It’s true that natural fertility awareness methods (FAM or NFP) really can be 99% effective and it turns out they are based on learning to chart your fertility signs. “Charting” simply means you use a daily tracking system to record what you see happening during your monthly cycle.

In the Confidently Charting Program we’ll begin right where you’re at, whether you’re brand new to charting or you’ve already had some experience but could use some fine tuning tips for success. You’ll be observing the three different fertility signs and learning how to track them, with personalized guidance from me along the way. You absolutely need to have this foundation nailed for natural methods to work effectively.

In the Confidently Charting Program you get a step-by-step way to establish this foundation plus shortcuts to get moving with fertility charting, FAST. Whether you’re trying to get pregnant right now or ditch hormonal birth control, don’t let another month slip by – learn the process so that you can achieve your fertility goals, naturally.

By the end of our time together you will:

  • Learn what “charting” is and have the exact tools you need to do it right
  • Start temperature taking and actually use your daily tracking system
  • Discover the 3 signs of fertility and learn what to expect each cycle
  • Predict your next period. You’ll know exactly when it will start!


  • Get a bonus peek into what your chart says about your overall health

~ Private Instruction Package ~

What You Get:

  • (3) private instruction sessions fully customized for you personally, plus
  • (3) private Q&A follow up sessions to maximize your progress
  • You choose the format: in person (for those in the greater Seattle area) or online via the web 

How it works:

1st meeting (90 mins): We discuss your menstrual health history and get you set up with an introduction to or review of basal body temperature charting, customized based on your level of familiarity. We will be using your BBT charts throughout the duration of our time together to discuss what’s going on with your cycles so if charting is new to you we need to get you started capturing that info. Other topics we will touch on: the three signs of fertility, recognizing your BBT pattern, including your partner on the journey, and an intro to cervical mucus. At the conclusion of this session we will schedule your Q&A follow-up appointment.

30ish days after our initial meeting we touch base during a 60-minute Q&A follow up session. I want to make sure you are in the habit of charting, answer any questions that have come up after you’ve had some time to get started, work through any challenges you might be facing, and discuss what to expect going forward. We then get your 2nd and 3rd instruction sessions on the calendar.

2nd meeting (60 mins): Now for the fun: it’s time for chart interpretation! We will decode your individual fertility signs together and I will show you how your body changes throughout your cycle. We will focus on making accurate cervical mucus observations and learn the “rules” for applying fertile window boundaries – so that you get maximum effectiveness and feel confident using NFP in real life. Other topics: what to expect when coming off hormonal birth control (if applicable), introduction to cervix observations, and healthy nutrition tips for optimizing your fertility.

30ish days after our second session we touch base again during a 30-minute Q&A follow up session. We check in and see how you’re doing on establishing the habit of fertility charting, answer any questions that have come up after you’ve filled in your 2nd complete chart, and customize the content of our 3rd instruction session together.

3rd session (60 mins): Chart interpretation 2.0! We identify your fertile window and discuss unique temperature patterns that don’t fit the “textbook” examples, work on clarity with your personal mucus observations, discuss an overview of using all three signs of fertility when desired, and cover what to expect using NFP in the future as you progress through the various phases of fertility (eg pregnancy/postpartum/breastfeeding, other future hormonal changes such as peri-menopause).

Final 30-min Q&A: As we wrap up I want to make sure you have the resources you need to feel confident with fertility charting and have a solid understanding of the three observable signs of your fertility. We cover what to do next and point you in the right direction going forward. Then it will be time to celebrate your transformation! You will have learned a lot about how your body works and best of all, you can use the Confidently Charting Program information for the rest of your (fertile) life!

What else does the Confidently Charting Package include?

  • Ongoing email + text support to address your individual concerns or questions during the Program
  • All three Fertility Instruction Guides are yours to keep


$397 USD one-time payment upfront


(1) payment of $147 USD plus (2) payments of $125 USD

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1. Make your secure payment using PayPal here.


Step 2. Within 24 hours of making your payment, you’ll receive an email from me with your Quick Start Assessment and instructions for booking your session online using calendly.

Step 3. Meet me online during your personal 90 min 1-on-1 virtual instruction session, over zoom from the comfort of your own home (…because pajamas, yay) Together we will define clear action steps + takeaways, customized for you and your partner to do next. You will begin charting your current cycle using the process you just learned for the next 30ish days and we’ll tag up during the 60 min follow up session.

Let’s get you started on achieving your fertility goals completely naturally – so you can finally ditch hormonal birth control for good.

Still have questions? (I love questions!)

Find out if the Confidently Charting Program is right for you by scheduling a complimentary phone call to chat with me. If we both agree this program is your next step I can’t wait to work with you on your journey toward managing your fertility naturally using the proven NFP method.

To your health,
