What Is NFP?

Natural Family Planning is a scientifically-proven method of tracking your naturally occurring bodily signs of fertility in order to avoid or achieve pregnancy. It works by enabling you to identify your fertile window during each specific menstrual cycle. With this information you can plan according to your desire to either get pregnant or not.

According to studies NFP is upwards of 99% effective when practiced according to the rules. It’s been proven, with real facts and data, in studies with thousands of real women. No pills. No implanted devices or surgeries. No shots. No artificial hormones to wreak havoc with your entire system. And no expensive fertility monitoring equipment required. The key is knowing what to look for in your body and understanding how to interpret these naturally occurring signs of fertility.

Every woman deserves to know that hormonal birth control is NOT the only way to responsibly manage your fertility. Women are led to believe that there are no other options. And it’s simply not true. It is my mission to spread the word. You will notice a sense of empowerment when you understand and trust your body to function as it was designed. No chemicals required.

It works when you want to avoid pregnancy. And when you are trying to conceive you can immediately reverse your approach. There’s no waiting period, no filtering chemicals out of your system. You can decide each month what makes sense for you and your family. NFP can also help couples who have had prior difficulties achieving pregnancy to be able to conceive.

I’ve been practicing NFP for 17+ years in my own marriage. My husband and I waited 5 years, successfully relying solely on NFP to avoid pregnancy, before we decided the timing was right for kids. We now have three children and NFP has allowed us to both avoid and achieve pregnancy with confidence. I am proof that NFP works and I would love to show you how it can work for you!

Ready to learn how NFP can work for you? 

To learn more about NFP check out the page that matches your current needs: avoiding pregnancy or achieving pregnancy.

To learn more about how to work with me, check out this page.

>>I invite you to find out how the science of NFP can work for you. Schedule your completely free 30-minute Natural Fertility Discovery Session and let’s chat!<<