Work With Me

Ready to optimize your chances of getting pregnant naturally?

Want to finally understand how your cycle works so you can give yourself the best odds of conceiving?

Learn natural family planning fast and gain the confidence to use the method on your own. Take advantage of my years of experience and rely on proven science to finally work in harmony with your body, naturally.


Boost Your Fertility

Boost Your Fertility:

identify when you’re ovulating to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally

I invite you to schedule your

completely free 30-minute Natural Fertility Discovery Session with me

to find out if NFP is a good fit for you.

And I promise, from one skeptic to another: no pushy sales agenda – just a safe place to ask your questions and learn more.

To find the program that’s right for you, choose the option that best meets your current needs:

Link to Getting Pregnant

~ Trying to Conceive ~

Purposely Pregnant: The Shortcut to Getting Pregnant Naturally Program

Link to Avoiding Pregnancy

~ Trying to Avoid ~

Avoiding Pregnancy (TTA): Confidently Charting